High School Transition
Funding and Scholarship Programs
Northwest Territories Student Financial Assistance
The Northwest Territories Study Grant for Students with Disabilities is designed to assist post-secondary students with permanent disabilities such as deafness, blindness, and other physical or learning disabilities. Funding awarded under this program is available in addition to loans offered to full-time, distance learning and part-time students through the NWT Student Financial Assistance Program (SFA). The Grant is available to all student categories - Northern Indigenous Aboriginal Resident, Northern Resident Schooled in the NWT, and Northern Resident Not Schooled in the NWT.
Based on an assessment of needs, eligible students attending postsecondary studies full-time may receive up to $5,000 per academic year. Students attending post-secondary studies through distance learning, correspondence courses or part-time may receive up to $1,000 per course. If applying as a full-time student, you are required to enroll in at least 40% of a full course load. Qualification under distance learning, correspondence courses or part-time student status requires enrollment in at least 20% of a full course load.
To apply for the NWT Study Grant, check the box indicating NWT Study Grant for Students with Disabilities on the SFA Application(s). Complete the Income and Expense pages, including all educational expenses related to your disability.
Expenses Covered
The NWT Study Grant may be used to cover exceptional expenses such as the cost of a tutor, an interpreter (oral, sign), note taker, transportation, attendant care or special equipment. The Grant will also reimburse students for (up to 75%) of the cost of a learning disabilities assessment (up to $1,000). It is important to keep in mind that the NWT Study Grant may be disbursed up-front. For reimbursement, you will need to submit quotes or receipt(s) (proof of purchase) for your education-related materials. For example if you have a personal care attendant, the program can only provide funding for the costs incurred while you are in school, not for when your attendant provides you with services at home. The Grant will not cover the capital costs such as vehicle modifications and alterations for educational institutions or student residences.
Expenses Exceeding that of the NWT Study Grant Limit
If your needs exceed the NWT Study Grant for Students with Disabilities, you can also receive funding under the Repayable Loan. When you apply for SFA, applicants complete the Income and Expense pages of the SFA application(s) forms and include all expenses related to the disability. If your needs are more than the NWT Study Grant of $5,000 per academic year, you may be eligible to receive up to an additional $1,100 a month in the form of a Repayable Loan.
For more information on the Study Grant or Student Financial Assistance Program, contact:
Manager, Student Financial Assistance
Department of Education, Culture and Employment
Government of the North West Territories
Box 1320, Yellowknife, NWT X1A 2L2
Tel: (403) 873-7190
Tel: (800) 661-0793 (No TTY number was available)
Fax: (867) 873-0336
Email: nwtsfa@gov.nt.ca
Web site: www.nwtsfa.gov.nt.ca
For information on scholarships and other funding available to Northwest Territories student with disabilities should contact:
The Northwest Territories Council for Persons With Disabilities
Box 1387
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, X1A 2P1
Tel: (867) 873-8230
TTY: (867) 920-2674
Fax: (867) 873-4124
Email: disabilitynwt@yk.com