Campus Student Groups
Memorial University Advisory Committees for DSS
School | Memorial University of Newfoundland | |
Address | Coordinator of the Learning Centre University Counselling Centre, Memorial University St-John's, NL A1C5S7 | |
Tel. | 709-864-2156 | |
Fax | 709-737-4743 | |
TTY | 709- | | | ||
Website | | |
Profile | Memorial has two Advisory Committees for Students with Disabilities: one for its two campuses in St. John's, and one for its campus in Corner Brook.
The Committee located in St. John's was established in 1992 when the Blundon Centre opened - for the campus on Prince Philip Drive where I work (called the St. John's campus). A representative from the Marine Institute campus in St. John's was added in 2010. The Terms of Reference are attached. I am the Secretary of the Committee. You can list me as the contact person.
Membership includes three students with disabilities - representatives from the undergraduate student union: the Memorial University of Newfoundland Students' Union (MUNSU), the Graduate Students' Union (GSU), and the Memorial University of Newfoundland Disability Information and Support Centre (MUN DISC): the campus group for students with disabilities organized under MUNSU. Further information about MUN DISC is available by e-mailing
At Memorial, we also have a Sub Committee (of the Committee in St. John's) on Library Services for Students with Disabilities. A copy of the Terms of Reference are attached. It includes an undergraduate and a graduate student representative.
Further information about the Advisory Committee at Memorial's Grenfell Campus in Corner Brook is available by contacting Lorna Payne, the Co-ordinator of the Learning Centre (Student Services) at She oversees services for students with disabilities at that campus.
Glenn Roy Blundon Centre (UC4007)
(University Counselling Centre)
St. John's, NL A1C 5S7
(709) 864-2156: Voice
(709) 864-4763: TTY
(709) 864-3011: Fax
Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (St. John’s Campuses)
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Terms of Reference
The Office of Student Affairs and Services has been delegated the responsibility and authority to manage services for students with disabilities on the University’s St. John’s campus. In this context, an Advisory Committee (the “Committee”) was established in February 1992 by the Dean of Student Affairs and Services* (under the auspices of the Glenn Roy Blundon Centre) to advise on matters pertaining to students with disabilities. This authority is articulated in the Policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.
The Committee’s role is to advise the Deputy Provost (Students) and Associate Vice President Academic (Undergraduate Studies) - the “Deputy Provost” - on the most effective and creative manner in which issues of concern relative to students with disabilities can be addressed and to further the betterment and progression of a learning support service for such students.
The guidelines for the Advisory Committee are as follows:
• Each member of the Committee will be responsible for informing the Committee of changing trends and concerns that may affect services for students with disabilities.
• The Committee will provide support and advice to the Blundon Centre in the area of access and accommodation.
• The Blundon Centre will provide the Committee with updates on relevant issues pertaining to students with disabilities.
• Upon request, and where appropriate, the Committee may provide advice to the campus co-ordinating centre at the Marine Institute (MI) on matters pertaining to MI students with disabilities.
The advice of many partners in service provision is of the utmost importance. The University, therefore, welcomes the representatives of community agencies and encourages their involvement on campus along with students and other interested colleagues.
Membership on the Advisory Committee may include:
* The Director of the University Counselling Centre (Chair - ex officio);
* Disability service providers at the St. John’s campus including the Manager of the Blundon Centre (Secretary - ex officio);
* A representative from the campus co-ordinating centre for students with disabilities at the Marine Institute campus (ex officio);
* Students and/or alumni (nominated by MUN DISC, MUNSU, and the GSU);**
* Representatives from the Library/The Commons, Facilities Management, the Office of the Registrar, the Employment Equity Division of the Department of Human Resources, and faculty;
* Representatives from community organizations involved with the provision of services to persons with disabilities;
* Others as deemed necessary.
The chair is responsible for inviting individuals to serve on the Advisory Committee. The Secretary is responsible for preparing the Committee’s correspondence including the minutes of meetings and the membership list.
* The Advisory Committee shall make its best efforts to meet at least twice yearly to review, report, and make recommendations to the Deputy Provost regarding access and accommodation issues involving students with disabilities.
* Issues will be brought forward on the St. John’s campus through the Blundon Centre.
* The Advisory Committee may form one of more sub-committees on the basis of the objectives of the Policy on Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.
* The nature of the sub-committees is evolutionary as they can be created when required, dissolved when their objectives have been met, or ongoing.
* Sub-committees will review, report, and make recommendations to the Advisory Committee, to bring forward through the Blundon Centre.
* The portfolio of the Dean of Student Affairs and Services was changed and retitled “Deputy Provost (Students) and Associate Vice President Academic (Undergraduate Studies)” in October 2011.
** MUN DISC - Memorial University of Newfoundland Disability Information and Support Centre
MUNSU - Memorial University of Newfoundland Students’ Union
GSU - Graduate Students’ Union
The Committee’s Terms of Reference were initially developed on February 13, 1992. The amendments proposed at the March 1, 2010, meeting of the Committee (to include representation from the Marine Institute campus) were approved by the Dean of Student Affairs and Services on April 5, 2010.
A motion was passed at the February 27, 2012, meeting of the Committee to change the name of the Committee from the Dean of Student Affairs and Services Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities to the Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (St. John’s Campuses).
Terms of Reference
Subcommittee on Library Services for Students with Disabilities
January 2007, Revised June 2013
The Subcommittee on Library Services for Students with Disabilities was established in January 2007 under the auspices of the Dean of Student Affairs and Services Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (now known as the Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities – St. John’s campuses) and met from 2007 to 2009. The Subcommittee was restarted in February 2013, and will continue to report to the Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities – St. John’s campuses. The Subcommittee will strive to enhance co-operation between the Memorial University Libraries – St. John’s (thereafter called “the Library”), The Commons, and the Glenn Roy Blundon Centre to enhance Library services for students with disabilities at Memorial University’s St. John’s campuses.
Specific Terms of Reference/Statement of Work
1. To review the current areas of collaboration and co-operation between the Library, The Commons, and the Blundon Centre.
2. To identify potential areas of collaboration, co-operation, and resource sharing between the Library, The Commons, and the Blundon Centre.
3. To identify gaps in the delivery of Library services, and opportunities for improvement, to students with disabilities.
4. To determine the priorities and processes for the delivery of Library services to students with disabilities.
5. To ensure that students with disabilities and other stakeholders have opportunities to provide input on the delivery of Library services.
6. To advocate within the Library and The Commons for the integration of technical and research assistance for students with disabilities (e.g., to help students locate information and to use assistive technology resources to access information).
7 To provide feedback on the accessibility of websites maintained by the Library and The Commons.
8 To facilitate training and assistance to students with disabilities who access assistive technology resources.
9 To promote the services available to students with disabilities at the Library and The Commons.
10 To explore new and emerging technologies, equipment, furniture, and services that could enhance Library services for students with disabilities.
11 To explore opportunities to generate alternative funding sources to enhance Library services for students with disabilities.
12 To consult with the Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities, as necessary.
13 To provide activity reports to the Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities, the University Librarian and Branch Heads.
14 To perform other related duties.
• Students with disabilities.
• Representatives from the Blundon Centre, The Commons, and the Library.
• Others, as deemed necessary.
The Chairperson will be chosen by the members of the Subcommittee.
The Subcommittee shall make its best efforts to meet once each semester, or as deemed necessary, with no fewer than two meetings a year.