High School Transition

Disabled Students’ Leadership On-Campus

Rye Access

Composed of 10 students and meeting at least once a month, this centre for students with special needs and abilities at Ryerson University was inaugurated in September 2001, as the newest service at RyeSAC (Students’Administrative Council). It is modelled on the ideal of peer support, self-identification and advocacy, is open to all students and is intended to be proactive in nature. The centre serves the non-academic needs of students, which can sometimes pose a barrier to success in education.

Rye Access
Ryerson University
Rm A-62, 380 Victoria Street
Toronto, Ontario, M5B 1W7
Tel: (416) 979-5000 #4504
Fax: (416) 597-6575
Email: ryeaccess@sac.ryerson.ca
