Financial Aid Directory
Regional - Alberta
The Alberta Committee of Citizens With Disabilities (ACCD) 25th Anniversary Scholarship Program
The Alberta Committee of Citizens With Disabilities (ACCD) is the grass-roots provincial organization of people with disabilities in Alberta. The ACCD has undertaken to improve the lives of people with disabilities living in Alberta. To that aim, the ACCD has created a bursary to be awarded to people with disabilities in order to assist them in furthering their expertise in the educational field of their choosing, thus enhancing the individual's accomplishments.
The applicant must meet the following criteria:
- An Alberta citizen with a disability.
- A member, or willing to become a member, of the ACCD.
- Use the funds, if awarded, within the province of Alberta.
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Complete an application form and provide a letter of reference from an adult other than a family member.
The bursary may be used for course materials and or tuition fees. The total number of awards given each year varies. The total amount awarded is $2000.00 with each disbursement ranging from $200.00 to $500.00.
The Selection Committee will be made up of three elected members of the Board of Directors of the Alberta Committee of Citizens with Disabilities. Applicants are judged on their motivation, level of need and economic circumstances. Winners of the bursary will be announced at the ACCD Annual General Meeting. All application materials must be received at the ACCD office by June 30th. For more information contact: Alberta Committee for Citizens with Disabilities, #707, 10339-124 Street, Edmonton, AB, T5N 3W1, Telephone: (780) 488-9088, Fax: (780) 488-3757, TTY: (780) 488-9090, Toll-free: 1-800-387-2514.
Alberta Blue Cross 50 th Anniversary Bursary for Students with Special Needs
Offered annually to first-year students entering any undergraduate faculty at the University of Calgary who will incur additional expenses due to a disability/handicap. The award will be based on academic merit and financial need. Applicants must provide proof of disability (i.e. doctor's statement). To be eligible for this award, students must be graduates of an Alberta high school and be registered full time but need not carry a full course load. For information, contact: Student Awards Offices at post-secondary institutions in the Province of Alberta. The Deadline for application is December 1st.
Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Northern Alberta Scholarship in memory of Dr. Peter Bowen
Field of study
Undergraduate program in any field of study in a post-secondary facility.
One or two $ 500.00 scholarships awarded annually.
Applicants must be disabled with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephelus confirmed,
by a medical doctor, be a Canadian citizen for at least two years, have a home
address Red Deer or north, and be accepted in a post secondary institution.
Candidates are required to submit a letter of reference from a previous teacher or administrator (applicants who have been out of high school one or more years submit a letter from a recent employer or supervisor), an official Alberta
Education or most recent post secondary transcript, and a letter from the
candidate stating his or her eligibility, community involvement and plans for the future.
Applicants will be judged on their motivation, maturity, and academic
background. The selection committee will consist of a professional involved
in the treatment of persons with Spina Bifida and/or Hydrocephelus, a member
of the Board of Directors for the Spina Bifida and Hydrocephelus Association
Northern Alberta, and a member of the community independent of the Association.
The scholarship will be presented to the winning applicant at the Spina Bifida
and Hydrocephelus of Northern Alberta annual general meeting.
Applications must be sent to the above address before August 31 of the year of application.
The Spina Bifida and Hydrocephelus Association of Northern Alberta
Scholarship Committee
5R20 11111 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5K 0l4
Tel. (780) 482-8281
Fax (780)482-8964