Employment Connections: A Transition Tool Kit for Youth with Disabilities
CAMO (Comité d’adaptation de la main d’oeuvre pour personnes handicapées)
CAMO is a Quebec provincial employment and training program. The organization operates with funding from Human Resources Development Canada and Emploi Québec.
CAMO works with organizations across the province to identify obstacles faced by people with disabilities in the workplace. It has created videos for high school students, and publications for employers discussing accommodation and accessibility solutions. CAMO also has an Integration Fund for employers, which can be accessed to help pay salaries of people with disabilities, and to purchase adaptive technologies for the workplace. While CAMO isn’t a job-finding program, it can aid students in their search for employment by providing a list of resources and services in the province. For more information contact:
1030 rue Chevrier, bureau 404
Montreal, Quebec
H2L 1H9
Tel: 514-522-3310
Toll-free: 1-888-522-3310
Fax: 514-522-4708
TTY: 514-522-5425
Web site: