Regina Job Search Strategies Forum Report
Dillon asked the panel to describe one aspect of their job that they do not enjoy, saying this is often a question employers will ask candidates in an interview. Hill answered “paperwork.” She advised participants to be honest, and to be prepared to answer questions about likes and dislikes.
“Know your limitations in addition to your strengths,” Orieux-Koroluk said. Asuncion said employers often want to know where the applicant wants to grow.
Dillon asked the panel to speak about networking.
Volunteering is a great opportunity to meet people in organizations that share similar passions, said Hill. “It looks great on your resumé and is a very valuable experience,” she said.
Asuncion said he could attest to the value of volunteering, since all of his jobs have come about as a result of networking through volunteer work. “Volunteering is an important strategy,” he said.
Hill said it also opens up educational opportunities. As a result of a volunteer position she holds, she was recently invited to a national conference and was able to participate for free.
“It’s okay to be excited about something you’ve never done before,” Orieux-Koroluk said. “Communicate your enthusiasm about something the company has or offers that is of interest to you.”