
A COVID-19 Update from Accessibility Services at the University of Toronto

COVID-19 update
For students; reported March 20, 2020

Our office has heard from many of you with questions regarding COVID-19 planning, and how your accessibility related academic accommodations may be impacted by the decision to cancel all in-person undergraduate and research-stream Masters and Doctoral courses and provide teaching by other means (e.g. online).

Please know that our office remains committed to helping you complete your term with as little disruption as possible. Download our new resource, Accessibility Resources for Students in Online Learning, on the right. This document discusses the transition from classroom to online learning for our students and provides tips, referral pathways and next steps.

Below, read our answers to your most frequently asked questions during this time.

These changes will require some adjustments by all members of the campus community (faculty, staff and students). Thank you for your patience and cooperation to find reasonable solutions, given these exceptional circumstances.
