
Crohn’s and Colitis Canada launches the fourth annual AbbVie IBD Scholarship Program

The AbbVie IBD Scholarship Program recognizes the obstacles faced by students living with Crohn’s and colitis and supports them in rising above their personal challenges in pursuit of their dreams.

Supported by an educational grant from AbbVie, Crohn’s and Colitis Canada will extend ten (10) one-time scholarships of up to $5,000 to students living with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis who are entering into or currently attending a post-secondary educational institution for the Fall semester of 2015.

The scholarship eligibility requirements are as follows:
· Diagnosed with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis;
· Seeking an associate, undergraduate, or graduate degree from a Canadian university; college; or enrolled in a trade school educational diploma; and
· Enrolled in or awaiting acceptance from a Canadian-based post-secondary educational institution for the Fall semester of 2015.

For more information, or to access the online application, please visit Application deadline is June 1, 2015.

Contact Us:

For more information, please contact:
Charlotte Hall-Coates
Youth Engagement Coordinator
416.920.5035 ext.247 or 1.800.387.1479 ext.247
