NEADS Conference 2000 - "Networking, Educating, Advocating: Delivering Success in the New Millennium"
Conference Audio
Lucille Therrien, Regional Diversity Manager (Quebec), Scotiabank
Lucille Therrien was born in Sherbrooke, Quebec Eastern Townships and is now living in downtown Montreal after spending a decade East of Quebec City, on the south shore of the St- Lawrence River.
After a career at Human Resources Development Canada, as a regional head responsible for programs and services, part of it for designated groups and special clientele (Aboriginal people, persons with disabilities, women, youth, social security recipients), she decided to leave the civil service and join the private sector. She completed financial training and worked as a personal investments representative for some time before joining Scotiabank two years ago as the regional Diversity Manager for Quebec region.
She intends to pursue her work with human resources and is now completing her Executive MBA at Université du Québec à Montréal. Until recently, she was president of a small non- profit company, Adaptech+, involved in accommodation. She is president of the board of the CAMO for immigrants, a provincial organization promoting integration in employment of immigrants and visible minority members. She is a member of the Quebec Corporation of Human Resources specialists, the Business Women Network of Quebec and some other professional associations.