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CSA Accessibility Working Group

InstitutionUniversity of Guelph
AddressUC 274, University of Guelph
50 Stone Rd E
Guelph (ON)
Phone519-824-4120 ext. 56742
DetailsThe University of Guelph's Central Student Association (CSA) has an Accessibility Working Group with a mandate to act as a forum for discussing and promoting accessibility for persons with disabilities within the CSA. Those with disabilities face additional barriers to participation in the CSA and this is not always recognized or understood by those who do not identify as having a disability. Barriers to accessibility can be visible and invisible, tangible and intangible, and perceived or real. They occur in all aspects of the CSA including board meetings, services, by-laws and policies, events, and space. The CSA is the undergraduate student association representing over 17,000 students. The Accessibility Working Group is chaired by the CSA's Academic Commissioner.



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