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Programmes de transition pour les étudiant-e-s- handicapés

Online to Success Program

Online to Success is a transitions course offered by Queen's University and Loyalist College with the assistance of the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario. The dates for this program are from June 20, 2003 to August 17, 2003. Between June 20 and 22 there will be a three day orientation to the program at Loyalist College in Belleville and between August 15 and 17 there will be a three day wrap up session at Queen's University in Kingston. The on-line component of the course will run from June 23 to August 14. For information about this program please consult the LDAO's website at

The goal of the Online to Success transitions course is to offer sessions dealing with Learning Disability awareness, self advocacy, adaptive technology, learning strategies and other relevant Haut de la pageics that will ease the transition to college or university and enhance the performance of incoming students. This structure of brief on site workshops and a six week web based program will allow students from across the province to participate in the course and at the same time maintain summer employment.

To Register visit by June 2, 2003.

If you would like further information contact Kristen Korczynski at (613) 533-6000 ext 75218 or


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