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Western's Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee (WODAC)

InstitutionUniversity of Western Ontario
AddressWestern's Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee C/O Equity and Human Rights Services
University of Western Ontario, Arthur and Sonia Labatt Health Sciences Building, Rm 334
London (ON)
Phone519-661-3334 ext. 83334
DetailsThe University formed Western’s Ontarians with Disabilities Act Committee (WODAC) to facilitate this commitment and to fulfill its obligations under the Ontarians with Disabilities Act (ODA), 2001. This committee is comprised of students, staff and faculty members who are dedicated to creating a campus that is accessible and welcoming to all persons regardless of (dis)ability. Under ODA, Western is required to prepare an annual accessibility plan. The purpose of an accessibility plan is to document barriers to accessibility that have been removed to date and identify those barriers that will be removed in the coming year. WODAC is responsible for consulting with people with disabilities in preparing Western’s annual accessibility plan. In doing so, WODAC is instrumental in the university’s efforts to continually improve the access of persons with disabilities to the University’s premises, facilities, and services.



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