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En tant qu’étudiante handicapée de première année, comment est ce que je peux apprendre à faire valoir mes droits efficacement auprès des professeurs, des tuteurs et des autres étudiants de mon université?

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Students for Equal Access

InstitutionDurham College, UOIT and Trent in Oshawa
Address2000 Simcoe Street North

Oshawa (ON)
Phone905-7210457 ext. 226
DetailsThis Committee, supported by the Student Association at Durham College, UOIT and Trent in Oshawa, is made up of students and advisors. Our mandate is to increase awareness about issues affecting students with disabilities both on and off campus. For the past three years, we have hosted Abilities Day and brought in speakers who have faced challenges and obstacles in their lives but have triumphed over their disabilities. We have also had exhibitors from the community who provide services to people with disabilities as well as a poster campaign. Representatives from the Students for Equal Access Committee also sit on the Accessibility Working Group Committee at the Institutional level.



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