NEADS Conference 2004 - Right On!


Theme 1: Human Rights


Panel 1:

  • Krystine Donato, Graduate, Honours Program, Child and Youth Studies, Brock University
  • Steve Estey, Chair, International Committee, Council of Canadians With Disabilities
  • Jamie Fillion, Manager, Disability Services, Nova Scotia Community College
  • Bill Holder, Discipline Counsel, Law Society of Upper Canada

Panel 2:

  • Terri Hulett, Consultant, Inclusive Solutions Corporation
  • Sue Jackson, Instructor, Disability Supports, London College of Communications, University of Arts London
  • Marcia Rioux, Graduate Director, MA (Critical Disability Studies), York University
  • Elizabeth Winkelaar, Graduate Student, School of Canadian Studies, Carleton University


Panel 1:

  • Jason Mitschele, Ontario Representative/Conference Chair, NEADS
  • Jennifer Finlay, Nova Scotia Representative/Vice-President Internal, NEADS

Panel 2:

  • Rachael Ross, President/British Columbia, Representative, NEADS
  • Natalie Osika, New Brunswick Representative, NEADS

Workshop Description

The World Health Organization estimates that at least 10% of the world's population, 600 million people, have some form of disability. As more people with disabilities are seeking to enforce their right to full-citizenship, education and entry into the work force become key issues in this pursuit. People with disabilities continue to be faced with barriers to full participation in society. These barriers impede fundamental access to education and employment subjecting persons with disabilities to discrimination, poverty, sub-standard housing and care, and even abuse. Barriers such as these are systematic, socio-economic, attitudinal, cultural and physical by nature. Failure to address and remove such barriers seriously violates the rights to equality and human dignity shared by everyone.

The Human Rights workshop will explore both the domestic and international environments in order to address crucial issues relating to access to education and employment for all students with disabilities.

The Human Rights panel will consist of lawyers, academics, students, advocates and a breadth of people experienced in the human rights field.

The following key questions will be addressed in the Human Rights workshop:

  1. Do we have a right to an education? What are the limits on this right?
  2. Do we have the right to accommodation? What is involved in this right for employers and post-secondary institutions, to accommodate people with disabilities?
  3. What is meant by the concept of "undue hardship" as a key concept in anti-discrimination legislation? What are the limits of this term?
  4. How do students with disabilities enforce their rights?
  5. What is the UN convention to protect and promote the rights and dignity of people with disabilities?
  6. What protections are available for people with disabilities internationally?