Financial Aid Directory
CMT International Sophie Abarbanel Educational Assistance Award
Each year, the CMT International Sophie Abarbanel Educational Assistance Award of $1,000 or more is given to one or divided between several persons having Charcot-Marie- Tooth disease who wish(es) to attend an institution of higher learning for an undergraduate or graduate level post-secondary education.
An application form with verification of your disability and proof of registration at a post-secondary institution is required. The form and accompanying documentation are to be in the office of CMT International by May 15 of the year the student is requesting assistance. Successful applicants are notified by telephone and mail by June 15. Those who have applied will know who has won the award as a profile of the individual(s) will appear in the CMT Newsletter.
A cheque will be sent to the person(s) in receipt of the award to be used at his/her discretion towards the goal of a degree from a recognized university, college or school of higher learning. To be eligible applicants must be a member in good standing of CMT International. This does not necessarily mean that you have made a donation, but you have asked to be kept on the mailing list of the association. Persons applying for this scholarship will be also considered for the $150 Charlie Christie Book Award.
For further information contact: CMT International, 1 Springbank Drive, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, L2S 2K1, Tel: (416) 687-3630.