Board of Directors’ Election
At November’s national conference in Winnipeg, the Association’s regular members will elect a new Board of Directors to work with NEADS for the next two years (2011-2012). All persons interested in a position on the board must be regular members in good standing. Positions on the Board must be filled by “regular members” of NEADS (currently having student status or having graduated within two years of application).
The NEADS Board of Directors is composed of twelve seats; there are ten provincial representatives (e.g. British Columbia Rep., Ontario Rep., Nova Scotia Rep. etc.), one territorial representative and an ‘open’ representative (who can be from any part of the country). Candidates for the positions of provincial/territorial representatives must be students or recent graduates with disabilities residing in the area and/or attending a post-secondary institution in the geographic location they seek to represent.
NEADS Board members will be expected to attend two Board meetings per year, as well as the 2008 National Conference. Board members are also expected to participate on and chair NEADS’ standing and project committees, and take part in Board and Committee teleconferences. Provincial/territorial Board members also represent their Province/Territory on the Board, and serve to bring the work of NEADS to the provinces/territories, as well as to bring local issues to the national table. Board members are free to participate in local, regional and provincial committees and activities, within the framework provided by NEADS’ mandate and mission.
No prior participation in the disability or student movements is required to join the NEADS Board. Any interested and enthusiastic NEADS member with relevant skill sets and a strong work ethic is encouraged to seek election.
If you would like to become a member of the NEADS Board, please complete and sign the “Nomination Form” as specified and, if possible, submit it to the office by October 9th, 2010. This will enable us to prepare the forms in both official languages and alternative formats in time for the conference elections. We ask that you include a profile/platform of 250 words or less with the completed nomination form.
Voting for the new Board of Directors will take place at the Delta Winnipeg Hotel on Sunday, November 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Nomination forms for board positions will be received until 5 p.m. on Saturday, November 13.
The election will be conducted by representatives from Elections Canada. All regular members are entitled to vote in the election. If you are unable to attend the election in person you can identify another member in good standing to act as a proxy and vote on your behalf.
Online Form
Download the Board of Directors Election Nomination Form in PDF
Download the Board of Directors Election Nomination Form in Microsoft Word Format