
Working Towards a Coordinated National Approach To Services, Accommodations And Policies For Post-Secondary Students With Disabilities


This report was written for the 419 post-secondary students with disabilities and service providers who offered their time in completing the questionnaires. These people shared valuable information, experiences and insights that ensure the research makes an important contribution to the development of national standards and best practices in service delivery and accommodations.

Frank Smith, Co-ordinator of NEADS, was the project manager With the assistance of Stephen Cole, he was chiefly responsible for carrying out the distribution of surveys.

Additional project support was provided by: Martine Conway (translation); Oliver Harte (survey distribution); Bente Baklid (translation and data management); and Carolyn Melvin (follow-up communication with institutions).

The research was conducted in Quebec with the assistance of the Association Quˇbecoise des ˇtudiants(es) handicapˇs(ˇes) au post-secondaire (AQEHPS) and AQEHPS' representatives Serge Brassard and Lucie Lemieux-Brassard.

We would especially like to thank the members of the Project Committee for their invaluable advice and assistance: Laurie Alphonse (NEADS, Ontario Representative); Jennison Asuncion (NEADS, Vice-president Internal and Open Representative); Toni Connolly, Association of Canadian Community Colleges (Algonquin College); Steve Estey, Consultant (Ottawa); Jennifer Evans (NEADS, Quebec Representative); Christian Genereux (Association quebecoise des etudiants handicapes au post-secondaire); Kent Hehr (NEADS, President and Alberta Representative); Heather Kingsley (NEADS, Territories Representative); Dean Mellway, Canadian Association of Disability Service Providers in Post-Secondary Education (Carleton University); Bruce Mesman (NEADS, British Columbia Representative); Preston Parsons, Commissioner, Students With Disabilities Constituency Group, Canadian Federation of Students (University of Winnipeg); Brenda Whaley (NEADS, Vice-president External and New Brunswick Representative); Joan Wolforth, Canadian Association of Disability Service Providers in Post-Secondary Education (McGill University).

We are indebted to the many institutional contact persons, without whose assistance the project could not have been undertaken.

We gratefully acknowledge the funding support provided by the Learning Initiatives Fund of Human Resources Development Canada and the Ontario Trillium Foundation which made the research possible.
