NEADS Online Calendar

Western Canadian Centre for Deaf Studies - University of Alberta
2017 Jones Memorial Lecture - University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
November 20, 2017
Western Canadian Centre for Deaf Studies, University of Alberta

2017 Jones Memorial Lecture, November 20, 2017

Presented by Dr. Natalia Rohatyn-Martin

This presentation will provide participants an understanding of the value of utilizing Universal Design for Learning as a framework for navigating and supporting varying academic and social barriers in classroom settings for students who are D/HH. The benefits of first-hand information on the state of inclusive education for the participating students, the quality of education for D/ HH students, socialization with hearing peers, and the need for vocational training will also be discussed.

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Education North Room 2-115, University of Alberta
ASL Interpretation & CART provided.
Reception with light refreshments will follow the lecture.

Livestream link:

Western Canadian Centre for Deaf Studies

What is the Western Canadian Centre for Deaf Studies?

WCCDS is an organization that partners with community agencies and other invested stakeholders in order to enhance current community capacity. More specifically, WCCDS works within the following four core areas:
•Program support for training and educational access
•Leadership and liaison
•Community resource

What are the main activities of Western Canadian Centre for Deaf Studies?

•Support the activities of the David Peikoff Chair of Deaf Studies in the area of research and education.
•Advocate for the admission of deaf and hard of hearing students into post-secondary programs.
•Facilitate workshops, courses, and similar educational activities relevant to the needs of professionals working with Deaf and hard of hearing people.
•Cooperate with the Deaf and hard of hearing community where there is an agreed upon need for WCCDS to play a public advocacy role in keeping with the mandate of the centre.
•Conduct contracted research.

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